2 Ways to Pay

Unlimited Play Swipe-Cards
All our games operate with the use of swipe-cards.
One great option is our unlimited play swipe-card. Each guest can purchase a card for 1 hour ($15), 2 hours ($20), or all day ($25)–All the games you can play for the time purchased!

Pay-Per-Play Swipe-Cards
If you prefer to pay-per-play, we can also load a swipe-card for you at the front desk with payment by cash or credit card. Not only is it a convenient option, it’s also a bargain compared to using quarters–The more you load on your card, the lower your cost is per play!
Our games range from 50 cents to $1.25 per game.
The Swipe-Card Point System
- $1 = 1 point
- (Thus a $1 game costs 1 point, a 50 cent game costs .50 points, a 75 cent game costs .75 points.)
- $1-$9 = 1 point per dollar
- (Spending $1 will put 1 point on your card)
- $10-$19 = 1.10 points per dollar
- (Spending $10 will put 11 points on your card)
- $20-$49 = 1.15 points per dollar
- (Spending $20 will put 23 points on your card)
- $50-$99 = 1.26 points per dollar
- (Spending $50 will put 63 points on your card)
- $100+ = 1.33 points per dollar
- (Spending $100 will put 133 points on your card)